Ship Crane Failure at Port Kembla

Published: 8 Feb 2023


8 February 2023



The Maritime Union of Australia notes with concern that there has been another Ship Crane FSWR failure at Port Kembla on Wednesday 01/02/23 on the Pan Ivy Bulk Carrier.

Thankfully no crew or stevedoring members were injured, but with these serious incidents involving the catastrophic failure of ships' gear becoming a more common occurrence the Union is asking members and delegates to be ever vigilant to safety matters and the condition of all equipment aboard ships at port.

An investigation by AMSA is now in the interim stages.

So far, AMSA and the Union have identified the following:

  • No maintenance records of ship cranes where available on vessel
  • Incorrect Lubricant was applied to FSWR (non penetrative)
  • Ship crane access ladder is non compliant.
  • Cargo hold ladder is non compliant.

AMSA has condemned all cranes aboard the Pan Ivy.

This significant and dangerous incident highlights the importance of the HSR's role in inspecting and requesting documentation and certification of all lifting gear on FOC Vessels. HSRs should request maintenance logs of ships' cranes and must be involved in any investigations after an incident.

Employers have a Primary Duty of care in the management of risks which should involve assessing all documentation and ensuring it is relevant, accessible & compliant. MUA members should remain vigilant as we know many managers who have or will gamble with our safety in pursuit of getting cargo on or off shipsas quickly as possible. Companies and their managers must be held to account for ensuring safety standards are met prior to any shipboard operations.

AMSA Regional Managers and the MUA continue to meet on these matters, with commitments being made by AMSA for more focus on ships' cranes and gear. While incidents like these demonstrate more work needs to be done in this space, the MUA continues to pursue this and apply pressure at a higher level as well as at each Bulk & General port..



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney