AMSA Certificate of Medical Fitness Examinations

Published: 15 Sep 2015

You may be aware that Medibank Health Solutions (MHS) has sold its work health assessment business to Sonic Health Plus, effective 2 October 2015.

For Australian seafarers requiring a Marine Order 9 Certificate of Medical Fitness the transition was meant to relatively seamless in that procedures for obtaining a medical examination appointment and the call centre telephone number will remain the same .
Unfortunately AMSA is aware that the MHS call centre has been giving conflicting information to seafarers who require an appointment after the 2nd October. AMSA understands that the call centre has addressed the problems and correct advice is now being given.
From the 2nd October Sonic Health Plus will take on responsibility for conducting Certificate of Medical Fitnessmedical examinations on behalf of AMSA.
After 2nd October seafarers will still be able to obtain medical examination appointments in exactly the same cities and ports and in the same way as they do now(please refer to AMSA Fact Sheet 16 Medical Fitness, which is available on the AMSA web site).
In some cities and ports the seafarer will be asked to go Sonic Health Plus clinic instead of a Medibank Health Solutions clinic.
During the period from 30th September till 6th October it is likely to be  difficult for a seafarer to obtain an urgent medical examination appointment, less than 24 hour notice, especially at capital city clinics.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney