Vale Peter 'Simmo' Simpson

Published: 24 Sep 2020

Dear comrades

It’s my sad responsibility to pass on the news that Peter Simpson Retired Queensland Branch Secretary of the ETU passed away in the early hours of this morning

I have passed on our deepest sympathies and condolences to the Union through Peter Ong and Allen Hicks and asked them to convey those thoughts best wishes and sympathies to Peters wife Penny and his family as well in the hope that it lessens their grief after the long hard journey of his illness.

Simmo was diagnosed with cancer 4 years ago and it was predicted he would pass quickly . In typical defiance and determination he went on a world tour and fought the hardest battle ever since without complaint, continuing his advocacy for justice in any form including the introduction of laws allowing the right to die with dignity for those with terminal illness. It was a telling reflection of a comrade known for his courage , toughness determination and spirit, the things that also made him an inspirational working class leader and trade unionist not only in Australia but internationally.

He was there for support where and whenever workers were under threat or in struggle including sending a delegation to Auckland picket lines during the lockout. There are many other instances of his understanding of and commitment to working class solidarity

He was instrumental to the fight for trade union rights and recognition particularly in Queensland and never let words get in the way of action. What he said he did , not only for electrical workers but all working women and men

His time of final battle has passed, but the spirit, integrity and courage in the face of adversity will continue to inspire true leadership in the working class and trade union movement

Vale Simmo, champion of workers, militant activist and loved and respected man of union and family

Now at rest

In unity


Paddy Crumlin
MUA National Secretary


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney