The Union Presses on With its Skills and Training Agenda

Published: 17 Jun 2015

Despite ongoing threats from Federal and State Governments the MUA continues to pursue a program of entrenching maritime training and skills into formal qualifications.

Newcastle Branch Secretary Glenn Williams and Jason Gough represent the union on the Transport and Logistics Industry Skills Council (TLISC) in regards to qualifications and training for Integrated Ratings and Linespeople.

At the last TLISC meeting in April, the union had some positive outcomes.

On the linesperson front the Steering Committee has agreed to the following:

- To develop a Certificate III that addresses the full range of skills required by shore based and lines boats/launch based Linespersons.
- To review the existing units of competency and amend to better align to the job role of shore based and lines boats/launch based Linespersons.

As a result of the above TLISC will publish a draft of the changes on their website and submit a proposal to develop a Skill Set for a mooring lines launch master to the Maritime Advisory Committee for incorporation in the 2016 TLISC Continuous Improvement Plan.

In regards to the Integrated Rating qualification the TLISC Steering Committee has agreed to the following:

- To remove two competency details which cover safe cargo operations on oil and chemical tankers and gas tankers and amend and amend a competency regarding the operation of deck machinery, cargo handling gear and equipment on a vessel to include components on tanker familiarisation that satisfies the STCW Code, as per the AMSA’s request.
- To develop a new unit of competency covering knowledge, use and maintenance of hand and power tools and measuring instruments and include in the qualifications. TLISC will now proceed to develop a draft maritime specific rigging unit for inclusion in the qualification.
- To consider replacing competencies regarding working in confined spaces.
- To include a competency regarding follow vessel security procedures in the qualification.
- To consider finalising development of, and inclusion of, a generic crane operation unit in the qualification that has a maritime focus.
- To consider developing and including a welding brazing and cutting unit of competency in the qualification.
- To amend the units of competence MARO3001A, MARC3008A and MARB3002A to ensure they clearly indicate that all functions are undertaken ‘under the direction of the officer of the watch’
There was no agreement on inclusion of a basic food handling and hygiene unit of competency in the qualification.

Latest MAC Meeting

MUA Policy Advisor Rod Pickette represented the union at the last meeting of the TLISC Maritime Advisory Committee (MAC) meeting. The key outcomes regarding the Maritime Training Package are: New Qualifications and Skill Sets were endorsed as MARV2.0 in February 2015 and are now available here to view (this means RTOs can now apply to have those Units on their scope and once on scope, develop training programs and offer that training).

Current projects where work is ongoing to align the Qualifications to the Standards for Training Packages:
Marine Cookery Certificate Level III Qualification Integrated Ratings Qualifications (reported above)
MAR30113 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Integrated Rating)
MAR40113 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Chief Integrated Rating)
Linesperson Qualification (reported above)
MAR10213 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (Linesperson) Scoping work to be undertaken

MAR Maritime Training Package

This is a new project to commenced in 2015 to investigate and address a range of issues that have been identified during the implementation of the MAR Maritime Training Package:
- Master Inland waters – proposed removal of weather unit (Note: the skills will remain in the task book)
- Pumping systems is not being covered adequately under MAR and LPG systems is missing
- Revise equivalence of MAR and MAR13 qualifications for Near Coastal Certificates of Competency MARH004 Plan and navigate a passage for a vessel up to 80 metres to include Azimuth, Amplitude and Plane sailing in Knowledge Evidence
- Development of a unit of competency “Safety Management Systems and National Marine Safety Law, Safety Obligations - as a skill set with a view to move into each NC qualification. (Note: AMSA will assist in providing technical input to the development of this unit)
- Range of conditions to be reviewed where it states “include one or more of the following” (Note: there are cases where the list should be ‘includes’ not ‘one or more’ to ensure that the outcome is to a satisfactory standard)
- Research required to consider whether MED and EC3 qualifications can include minimal electrical repair work. (Note: raised by Austral Fisheries, wanting engineers to do some electrical repairs. AMSA has committed to participate in researching this, which would include industry, TLISC and state and territory electrical safety authorities)
It was agreed that all these matter go on the CIP for 2015

Sector specific Units of Competency (qualification of skill set) for the dredging and towage sectors

Scope and develop competencies for personnel employed on vessels operating in certain sectors (i.e dredging) where employers in that industry sector have identified a need for sector-specific competencies and advised TLISC accordingly. Such competencies, where required, will be developed in consultation with industry stakeholders engaged in that sector

National Secretary Paddy Crumlin has requested preparation of the union’s medium term vision for VET for consideration by the next National Council meeting before lodging with TLISC to get the MUA vision on the TLISC Continuous Improvement Plan for the next 2-3 years.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney