Tribute to Trevor

Published: 19 Jan 2010

One year on, workmates, family and friends gathered in the Newcastle union rooms to pay tribute to Australian seafarer Trevor Moore who died tragically in a workplace accident off Karratha on Christmas Eve, 2008

Trevor Moore, 43, IR, was killed in a workplace accident on board the Karratha Spirit.

He was the second seafarer to die in a matter of weeks in work-related incidents aboard Australian-crewed vessels. These were the first mortalities in Australian seagoing job accidents in 14 years.

Trevor,  a long time union delegate was shortlisted for the Australian Council of Trade Unions national "Delegate of the Year" award in March, 2009. He was one of only two Australian workplace delegates honoured with a special mention that year.

"Trevor Moore, seafarer, was the Heath Ledger of the MUA - a young, talented delegate, tragically killed in a job accident," the MUA nomination  read.

"Trevor was a spokesperson on the Seakap in Newcastle in August, 2008, when the crew took a stand to protest US-based company Koppers plan to replace the ship  on the Australian coast with a foreign-flagged vessel... His death has now inspired the union and his workmates in their battles both to save Australian shipping and make the maritime industry safe." 

On Tuesday, January 19 the Northern NSW Branch held a special function at the Newcastle union rooms (his home port) where branch secretary Jim Boyle presented the ACTU award to Trevor's former wife and life-long friend, Anita and their two children Justin and Tahlia.

Shipmates of Trevor were also there to honour their fallen comrade.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney