Rally for wage justice - Newcastle coal loader

Published: 2 May 2010

Tomorrow morning, May 3 at 8am, members of the Newcastle community, workers and supporters will stage a rally at Kooragang to demand the management of the Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group overturn their non-union wage agreement.


The agreement, struck in the dying days of Work Choices in June last year, means NCIG workers receive a base rate of pay 17 percent lower than workers at the existing Port Waratah Coal Services facility. Under the new agreement their will be a huge cut in entitlements including overtime, super, public holiday pay and annual leave loading.

The rally will be addressed by speakers including

-       Paddy Crumlin, National Secretary, MUA

-       Tony Sheldon, National Secretary, TWU

-       Gary Kennedy, Secretary, Newcastle Trades Hall

-       Steve Wright, Freight Organiser, RTBU NSW

-       Ingrid McCulloch, PWCS Worker

-       Robert Coombs, Member for Swansea

This is a community rally and the public are welcome and invited to join in and show their support.

WHAT: Rally for wage justice at Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group (NCIG) terminal

WHERE:   NCIG Coal Terminal, Egret Street (off Cormorant Drive), Kooragang Island, Newcastle.

WHEN: 8am Monday May 3

Media contact:



Seth Tenkate 0408 463 199

Tanie Sansey 0410 525 869

Michael Meagher 0410 482 367





Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney