Published: 29 Dec 2020

National Council of the MUA met on the 16th December 2020 in light of ongoing developments across the broader union. Comrade Chris Cain is being supported as the National Secretary Elect of the CFMMEU.

Chris has determined, that in order to remove any further conflicts of interest that underpinned Michael O’Connor’s resignation from that position, that he would not hold an official position in the MUA Division on becoming the CFMMEU National Secretary. This was supported by the MUA National Council and the National Executive of the CFMMEU. Comrade O’Connor remains National secretary of the Manufacturing Division of the union.

As a result of this constructive move for the broader union, a range of internal changes were consequently made within the MUA Division due to casual vacancies that have arisen due to these and other appointments. Comrade Cain has resigned his position as WA Branch Secretary and National President, to become CFMMEU National Secretary.

Two further resignations due to senior appointments within the ITF were also dealt with by National Council. Those resignations and appointments include Comrade Ian Bray who resigned from his role as Assistant National Secretary when appointed to the role of ITF Coordinator for Australia following the retirement of long-time ITF Coordinator Dean Summers. Comrade Paul McAleer also resigned from the position of Sydney Branch Secretary following his appointment to the new position of ITF Asia/Pacific Dockers Organiser based in Sydney. Comrade Bray has been successfully appointed to the role of ITF National Coordinator on the retirement of long time ITF coordinator Dean Summers. Comrade McAleer has been successfully appointed to the new position of ITF Asia/pacific Dockers Organiser. Following WA Assistant Branch Secretary Danny Cain’s resignation (due to illness), a casual vacancy has also arisen in the WA Branch for the Assistant Branch Secretary.

Arising from these resignations received in writing, a number of casual vacancies have arisen with consequential resignations and appointments by National Council have followed. Those casual vacancies have been filled consistent with the MUA Rules. Below is a summary of those changes within the union. All resignations and subsequent appointments were unanimously supported and made by National Council and reported to the December monthly meeting

Resolution 1

Divisional National Council notes the resignation of Chris Cain from the Office of Western Australian Divisional Branch Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.01am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Divisional National Council resolves to appoint Will Tracey to fill the casual vacancy in the Office of Western Australian Divisional Branch Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.02am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Resolution 2

Divisional National Council notes the resignation of Will Tracey from the Office of Divisional National Deputy Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.01am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Divisional National Council resolves to appoint Warren Smith to fill the casual vacancy in the Office of Divisional National Deputy Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.02am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Resolution 3

Divisional National Council notes the resignation of Warren Smith from the Office of Divisional National Assistant Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.01am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Divisional National Council resolves to appoint Jamie Newlyn to fill the casual vacancy in the Office of Divisional National Assistant Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.02am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Resolution 4

Divisional National Council notes the resignation of Jamie Newlyn from the Office of South Australian Divisional Branch Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.01am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Divisional National Council resolves to appoint Brett Larkin to fill the casual vacancy in the Office of Divisional South Australian Branch Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.02am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Resolution 5

Divisional National Council notes the resignation of Ian Bray from the Office of Divisional National Assistant Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.01am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Divisional National Council resolves to appoint Adrian Evans to fill the casual vacancy in the Office of Divisional National Assistant Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.02am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Resolution 7

Divisional National Council notes the resignation of Adrian Evans from the Office of Western Australian Divisional Branch Deputy Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.01am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Divisional National Council resolves to appoint Doug Heath to fill the casual vacancy in the Office of Western Australian Divisional Branch Deputy Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.02am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Resolution 8

Divisional National Council notes the resignation of Paul McAleer from the Office of Sydney Divisional Branch Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.01am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Divisional National Council resolves to appoint Paul Keating to fill the casual vacancy in the Office of Sydney Divisional Branch Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.02am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Resolution 9

Divisional National Council notes the resignation of Paul Keating from the Office of Sydney Divisional Branch Deputy Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.01am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Divisional National Council resolves to appoint Paul Garrett to fill the casual vacancy in the Office of Sydney Divisional Branch Deputy Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.02am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Resolution 10

Divisional National Council notes the resignation of Paul Garrett from the Office of Sydney Divisional Branch Assistant Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.01am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Divisional National Council resolves to appoint Brad Dunn to fill the casual vacancy in the Office of Sydney Divisional Branch Assistant Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.02am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Resolution 11

Divisional National Council resolves to appoint George Gakis to fill the existing casual vacancy in the Office of Western Australian Divisional Branch Assistant Secretary of The Maritime Union of Australia Division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union with effect from 12.02am on Monday 25 January 2021.

Office of the Divisional National President and Vice Presidents (2) Vacant as of 25 January 2021

National Council will determine the replacements for the NationalPresident and Vice Presidents (2) vacant positions at its meeting of 11-12 February 2021.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney