Published: 19 Mar 2014
This year the union was recognised in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander category, while National Lead Organiser, Bernie Farrelly, was named Organiser of the Year.
Industry stalwart, Farrelly has worked in his organiser role for almost a decade.
Last night, his accomplishments in nurturing other organisers around Australia and for his strategy in uniting two unions on FPSOs, was rewarded.
“I’m overwhelmed," Farrelly said.
“It’s a tremendous honour to be recognised by my peers.
“I think it’s also a reflection of the quality of the people of I have to work with.
“Working in a union and having the opportunity to represent and work with grass root workers is a privilege and an honour in itself.”
The MUA also bagged the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander award for the second year in a row and Assistant National Secretary Ian Bray was there to receive the award on behalf of the union.
“It just goes to show we're doing something right for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters," Bray said
It was a busy year for the MUA in 2013 with Torres Strait Islander man and former wharfie, Thomas Mayor being installed as the union's first ATSI official.
"I am particularly proud of the Wandilla initiative, which we launched last year," Bray said.
Together with Tribal Warrior Association and shipping company Svitzer, the MUA formulated a program whereby Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants would receive real, on-the-job trainining aboard a working tug boat.
"I saw it as a way to really engage young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women in the maritime industry," he said.
To read more about the Wandilla initiative click here.
"The ACTU award shows us we are on the right track."
Last year, Paddy Neliman, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander committee chairperson won the ACTU individual award.
This year the MUA endorsed the Transport Workers Union nominee and winner, Luke Logan, in the Occupational Health & Safety category.
Logan works closely with the MUA on the multi-union Port Waratah Coal Services site in Newcastle.
He was recognised for his determination in protecting members on site when safety issues arise.
For a full list of winners click here.