Published: 27 Apr 2009
The 2009 HSR Forum will be held at the Burswood Convention centre in Perth on 3rd August 2009.
The 2009 Health and Safety Representatives (HSR) Forum for the Oil and Gas industry is being held on 3rd August at Burswood Convention Centre in Perth. The Forum provides HSR's with an opportunity to raise issues and concerns from each workplace and participate in discussion on how to best deal with issues that are raised and develop networks from across the industry.
The HSR Forum is facilitated by the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA). Unfortunately the forum over the last couple of years has been overwhelmingly represented by management from various industry companies. All workplaces have an opportunity to be represented by their relevant HSR's. However, considering the number of drill rigs and FPSO's operating in the industry representation has been low.
Each year the Maritime Union of Australia and the Australian Workers Union attend in an effort to meet HSR's from different areas and discuss the unions campaign regarding health and safety. Members from all facilities across the offshore oil and gas industry are encouraged to discuss this event in your workplace and ensure your workplace is represented.